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Audi Service - What Happens When You Give the Luxury Car for Maintenance?

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

Who does not love Audi? Driving the luxury car on the road and catching passers-by taking a quick peep at the car- the feeling is beyond words. An essential part of owning a car is getting it serviced. There are many pros of giving your car for servicing:

  1. Most of the critical car-related issues become severe over a while if neglected. Timely servicing of the car ensures that any issue detected on the root level can be fixed as soon as identified. Just because your car looks fine, it doesn’t mean that it is fine from within.

  2. Avoiding servicing of your car can be quite expensive in the long run. If the car is not serviced timely, the chances of having a breakdown go up. The cost of fixing a breakdown is much more than the cost of getting the car serviced.

  3. Timely car servicing ensures that the car is of the same good efficiency even after years of purchasing it.

Hence, it is really important to get the cars serviced especially the luxury cars like Audi, which have top quality parts which increase the need for maintenance. But, have you ever wondered, what happens when you give you comfortable and one of the best quality cars for maintenance? While the schedule might differ a bit depending on the model.

Here Is What Generally Happens In The Audi Service

Oil Changing

The oil should be changed on a range of 10,000 miles depending on the engine or the model, as suggested by the Audi service. However, many argue that ideally, one should get it changed every 5000-7500 miles to be safe. Changing the oil does a lot for the car like improving the gas mileage, helps the engine to run more smoothly, getting rid of the sludge etc. Engine lubrication is also among the various benefits of oil changing.

Replacing The Air And Cabin Filters

Based on the area you live in, the climate, and roads. It can be done according to convenience. However, Audi service recommends replacing it every 20,000 miles. Doing so reduces the dirt, dust, contaminants, and dour accumulated in the cabin, giving the feeling of the car being as new as when one purchased it.

Brake Fluid

It should be replaced every three years according to Audi service recommendations. If the brake fluid remains unchanged for a long period, the contamination and ‘debris buildup’ leads to downgrading the car breaks quality, which might result in the damage of crucial parts.

Timing Belts And Chains

Depending on the model of the Audi engine, the Audi service recommends replacing the timing belts and chains every 80,000 to 90,000 miles, going up to 120,000 miles for some Audi engines.

Tire Rotations

Audi service recommends rotating the tires every 5,000 miles or at every routine service appointment. Rotating the tires means switching the positions of the tires placed. For instance, the left front tire can be rotated to the right rear position, and so on. It helps to improve the lifespan of tires and prevents wearing off of the tread.

Apart from the above-mentioned procedures- replacing the fuel filters, antifreeze replacement, spark plugs replacement, transmission service, and cleaning the sunroof drains are also vital parts of Audi service. 

The Bottom Line

If you own an Audi, you already have the best product of German engineering. But the luxury of owning one of the best quality cars does not just end with a one-time purchase. It all comes down to maintenance. Every step of Audi service, is as essential as the other. Now that you know what exactly happens when you give your Audi for maintenance, it is easier to understand its importance. Ditch saving a few dollars, and keep that luxury beast maintained.

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