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Copier For Rental & Lease: All About Photocopier Rental And Photocopier Lease

Updated: Apr 17

Several things together make a business successful. In addition to manpower, plans, and experience, one more thing that matters a lot is resources. One such resource or equipment is copier, which plays a vital role in the smooth flow of information within an organization. Investment on such a business-friendly resource results into profit-generating outcomes for the organization.

Many businesses buy copiers to use them in offices whenever they want, while others get them on rent. Although, the device isn’t very expensive, its purchase by an organization depends on its usage time and numbers.

There Are Two Ways To Acquire Copier:

  1. Photocopier Rental

  2. Photocopier Lease Photocopier Rental

An organization can get copiers on rent. Photocopier rental is a flexible option to obtain copiers and use it. Here, a company acquires the equipment for a fixed time where it has to pay for it weekly or monthly. One thing that one should know about this copier type is that the photocopier rental has the authority to downgrade or upgrade the equipment whenever they want and the company that has taken it on rent cannot stop or complain. In addition, the service provider can cancel the contract whenever it wants. All it has to give is a notice period of around one month.

However, it also works in favor of the organization that has taken the instrument on rent. In case of rental photocopier, a company gets the chance to work with different copier suppliers, which opens the doors to work with different technologies.

Here’re Some Advantages Of Photocopier Rental: Benefits of photocopier rental

  1. Although, suppliers have the right to upgrade or downgrade the equipment, the copiers are usually upgraded. It gives the chance to a company to work with the latest technology.

  2. While getting the services of photocopier rental, an agreement is signed between the company and the service provider. Here, servicing of the copier is also included.

  3. Supplier also handles the jobs related to repair and servicing of the equipment. In case, the copier doesn’t work, a replacement is provided to the company. Disadvantage of photocopier rental Disadvantage of photocopier rental

  4. Renting copier for a long duration can cost more than buying a new one.

  5. Brand new equipment is not a guarantee. Photocopier Lease Photocopier LeasePhotocopier Lease

Those who are not interested in getting copiers on rent can select this option where the company can acquire the machine through a lease agreement. Here, rent for the equipment is paid every month for a fixed time. This allows the company to cut on spending to buy new copiers and get them for a fixed time. Another important thing about the copier is that, here the company gets the chance to buy the machine after the lease end. This type to acquire copier comes with many other advantages. Advantages of photocopier lease

  1. It is a budget-saving method for acquiring copiers. By taking the equipment on lease, the company can save on spending and use the capital on other much-needed resources.

  2. The method is tax efficient where a company’s payment can be charged from the taxable income in case the company is paying corporation tax.

  3. The option also comes with a buying choice. Here also, the company doesn’t have to pay on the spot and can ask for around half of the purchase price against tax in first 12 months of the lease. Disadvantage of photocopier lease Disadvantage of photocopier lease

  4. Time of lease can be as long as 3 to 5 years. A company has to sign an agreement to get the services for more than two years.

  5. Lease agreement may be with limited flexibility.

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