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  • niviwatson09

Here’s Detailed Analysis About Juice Press Machine

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

Juices are made by mashing and crushing the fruits or vegetables. Juices are made by physical activities such as crushing and grinding it by hand using some of the minor tools like hard spoons and other tools. Before making the juice the skin of the fruit is removed by using peelers. This method is used years before. After the invention of juice extractors and juice the press machine the physical method got vanished.

The juice extractors are employed for very less quantity of fruits whereas for a large quantity of fruits juice press machines are used. Juice the press machine is a modern development of juicer invented by Norman Walker in the year of 1930.

Types of Juice Press Machine:

Juice press machines are classified into two types based on the type of current it accepts to run. The two types are:

  • Direct current based

  • Battery-based

The juice press machine which runs only if the current is introduced directly to the machine is the direct current based juice press machine. This type of juice press machine runs effectively as this run by the direct current method. But this sucks out considerably more amount of current. Without the external power source, the machine cannot be functioned.

Battery-based juice press machine is attached with the battery which acts as a power source from the machine to perform. As it is running by the power of battery the power consumption of the machine can be noted, and the power consumption will be less than the direct current juice press machine.

There are many tools which are used for making juicer sometimes all the upcoming parts are employed to make juice.

Reamers are one of the primarily used tools for making juice. Reamers are used for making juices from the pulp fruits like orange, lemon, and grapes.

Centrifugal juicers are one of the majorly and popularly used juice press machines. This juicer has a set of blades as its core part which will slice the fruits into several pieces. This machine is functioned by the centrifugal force of the blade associated with it. The blades in this machine are capable of running or revolving at the speed of three thousand revolutions per minute to sixteen thousand revolutions per minute.

 After extracting the juice from the pulp, the pulp remains at the upper layer of the container and the juice will be sucked out from the container through the small holes below it. But the performance of the machine is not as effective as the direct current juice press machine. Simply there is a separate container for the juice gets attached to the entire machine.

There are some major pros and cons of the centrifugal juicers which should be noted for better analyses.


  • As discussed above there is a separate container to collect the juice and the remains or the extracted pulp will be collected and removed easily.

  • It works faster enough to make the juice within some minutes as the revolution speed of the blades is much faster than many of the juice extractors.

  • Centrifugal juice press machine is compact in size and it won’t need much space. It can be replaced wherever we want without much effort.

  • Hard fruits and vegetables can be extracted easily by using this juice press machine.


  • The centrifugal juice press machines make some noise which more than the common juice machines are.

  • It is hard to make juice from leafy fruits or vegetables as the blades in this type of juice press machine have the tendency to slip the leaf.

The juice press machine is evolving year by year and many different mechanisms are implemented within the machine.

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