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  • niviwatson09


Child care is not an easy process. No matter how many kids you have at home, the task of upbringing them is always tough. However, taking care of an only child is a little bit different from taking care of more than one kid together. Parents need to pay a lot of attention to numerous factors in their style of parenting and childcare. Being an only child sometimes can impact on the child growth if the parents and caregivers are not attentive enough.

List of things which parents and caregivers should consider if they have only child

  1. It is not your second chance to undo your mistakes of life or to accomplish certain goals. Your kid is born with a mind of its own. Let them pursue their own dreams. Don’t push them towards the goal which you wanted to achieve in your life. You certainly can guide them on their path but don’t push. This pushing will only create hindrance in their growing.

  2. “Dr Kevin Leman, author of The Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are (Revell), writes, ‘Don’t be an 'improver' on everything your firstborn or only child says or does’.” Let them learn in their own way. You can only teach once but correcting them, again and again, will block their development as an individual.

  3. Only Child doesn’t mean getting free rein in everything. The only child tends to develop the habit of not sharing or getting along with people outside their own world. It’s your duty to be strict and teach them the right way of doing things as a parent. Childcare gets confusing sometimes, but it is you who has to make the decision and follow it through the course.

  4. An only child tends to set high expectations for themselves either because of their parents or people around them. When they fail to reach the level they set for themselves, they tend to go negative about themselves and their capabilities. It is your duty as parents, to guide them in finding the wrong and how they can solve it. Childcare does not come with a memo, you have to stay alert and think while making the decisions for your kid.

  5. Being an only child means a lot of pampering and attention from the parents and the other people in the family. This situation makes them lazy or unable to learn things. Don’t be like that, encourage your kid to learn and do things by themselves. You can stay in the shadow but don’t get it done for them. Teach them being independent.

  6.  Loneliness is like a buddy for the only child. Don’t let the situation come to this. Parents should encourage their kids to make friends and communicate with their peers. Get them to join groups of activities of their choices, where they can mingle with other people.

  7. Childcare is not a hassle if you do everything by involving your heart in it. Only child become mature and serious at a very young age. You need to share smiles and create a sense of humour in them. This way they will be mature but will also know how to live life properly.

  8. Enhance their point of view by teaching them to see the big picture in everything. Only children are quite a planner, hence they don’t think out of the box. Teach them to be imaginative and creative. Guide them to think out of the box. Teach them the art of enjoying life which is very small.

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