Skin issues can be troublesome; issues like hyperpigmentation, pimples, acne, dark spots, and blackheads can leave your skin irreparable damage. But there is a technique that can help you get rid of all these issues. Yes, fractional laser or Fraxel laser treatment is one such effective solution perfect for all your skin related issues. Nowadays, in many eastern and western countries, everyone is making the most out of Fraxel laser treatment from celebrities to male models.
Believe it or not, many people even use Fraxel daily in their skincare routine. Many dermatologists in the USA claim fraxel laser treatment as a powerful tool for permanently eliminating acne scars. With the help of treatment, people can get that shiny, young-looking, and spot-free face even in their late 30s and 40s.
Fraxel laser treatment is still a confusing thing; hence, in this post, we’ll clear all your doubts and misconceptions.
Fractional Laser
A Quick Overview Of The Fraxel Laser Treatment
Most dermatologists say that patients hearing about this laser treatment are often surprised, but many mind-boggling questions revolve around their head. According to many reports, patients interested in fractional laser treatment options are often confused and ask for dermatologists' consultation. Most probably, you might have undergone some laser treatments for fading your scars, peeling the pimples, or keeping the face tone neutral.
The fractional laser treatment offers the benefit of both abrasive and non-abrasive techniques. This laser is of 1500nm-wavelength. It works on both the epidermis and dermal or mid-layer of the skin. Fraxel laser treatment helps treat acne scars like rolling scars, boxcar, and icepick. The reason is dermatologists get the opportunity to penetrate the fluids and creams in the deepest skin tissues. This thing is never possible when you’re undergoing common laser treatment options.
Which Are The Common Types Of Fraxel Laser Treatment?
Fractional laser treatment does have some different types; dermatologist uses them according to your skin conditions. ‘Fraxel dual laser’ is the most common type of Fraxel laser treatment often suggested and practised by dermatologists. This treatment type is best for treating hyperpigmentation, acne scars, sunburns, and blackheads.
The next type is ‘Fraxel Restore’, which is quite complicated and time-consuming but treats most skin issues. From curing the fine wrinkles to eliminating pimple spots, ‘Fraxel Restore’ is the best type. The third and last type is ‘Fraxel Repair’, which is more effective and powerful than ‘Fraxel Restore’. Fraxel Repair makes use of fractionated carbon laser is used for the entire treatment procedure. Fraxel Restore is only prescribed when the skin issues have penetrated in the deep skin tissues.
What Is The Working Process Of Fraxel Laser Treatment?
Regardless of the Fraxel laser treatment type your dermatologist has prescribed, the entire working process is somewhat the same with some minor differences. The laser emits energy in tiny spots that destroy the dead skin cells thermally as per various dermatologists.
As a result, the laser's energy release stimulates your skin tissues to boost the growth of new and healthy cells and replace the older ones. In simpler words, your skin tissues get a new makeover because of the enhanced collagen production.
How Your Dermatologist Will Prepare You For Fraxel Laser Treatment?
Your dermatologist will ensure that there are no infections, wounds, or cuts on your face. Once you have undergone this treatment, you have to ensure that you follow all the after-care treatment process, like you need to stop using all your face cream and serums seven days before the treatment. The entire laser treatment procedure requires nearly 30 minutes, and your entire face is numbed for one hour.
Final Conclusion
After completing the fractional laser treatment, your face will be reddish, and you’ll experience some breakouts and whiteheads that are temporary. There are very fewer chances of side effects; however, you need to follow the medications appropriately. At last, you’ll have a spot-free, glowing, and attractive face!