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  • niviwatson09

Lighting Manufacturers- The Daylight of Humanity

The importance of lighting is evident in our everyday lives. From the time, human beings exist in the world, they relied on sunlight for lighting initially. With further advancement they came up with fire and then added a wonderful discovery of electricity to the list which assayed mankind with an amazing unnatural source of lighting. Today our homes and offices are lightened with sleek looking and bright lighting. Some of the lights are so bright that it almost mimics the daylight. Today with the invention of LED lighting, it has become much more comfortable to illuminate the world because of its versatility and the ease associated with its manufacturing.

With the advent of LED lighting technology, the manufacturing industry has also got an impetus for growth. More and more start-ups are venturing into the field of manufacturing lighting. Because LED is easy to assemble, less in price and is in high demand, it is now produced on a large scale. Because of the ban of conventional 60-watt incandescent lights created a vacuum, which has been duly used as an opportunity by small players in the field. Along with the big brands the little place and strengthening deposition by offering good quality LED lights at very competitive prices, the popularity is at its high.

Scenario Today Vs. Yesterday

Ever since 60-watt incandescent bulb manufacturing was banned, more and more companies started venturing into LED manufacturing market. Most significantly it does not require a massive Infrastructures and enormous investment, so it is somewhat safe to venture in LED lighting manufacturing business. Also, because of its high demand in the market and reasonable profit, people do not mind getting into the business of LED light manufacturing. Although there are a wide variety of choices available when it comes to choosing LED lighting which ranges from power consumption and brands, the shelves of the market are mostly filled with big players rather than the small ones. Many factors come into play while choosing LED lights; primarily people are drawn towards big brands because of their aggressive marketing strategies along with robust after sales support and top-notch quality. Contrary to this, the small companies also offer good quality products at cheap prices, but often fail to provide the after Sales Service which customers demand and often get from big brands; also, small companies are not as efficient as bigger ones when it comes to advertising and reaching more number of people, which is a crucial factor for driving super sales.

Investing in Lighting Is Not A Choice, It Is A Necessity

And, therefore no matter what, people will keep buying lights be it from the brands or local market players. Thus, it is safe to say that there will always be a space for lighting manufacturing industry to make a profit even if there is a severe crisis in other sectors. However, the intensity of benefit will be subjective on factors like marketing strategies, competitive prices, top-notch quality, cutting-edge technology, and robust after sales support.

Lightning Manufacturers Key to Thrive

What is the reason for the overwhelming popularity of few notable companies that manufactures and sells LED lights? It is perhaps the quality of sleep and secondly the warranty or after sales support/service they offer. LED lights from big brands come with approximately 2 to 5 years warranty depending upon the model; this very strategy of supporting the product with after sales support give customers a sense of satisfaction and security which keeps them pulling back every time they are in need of lighting.

Thus, quality, and performance plays a vital role. Today the current lighting manufacturers position is very different from yesterdays. At one hand big players are ruling the market, consumers are also putting their hands on to other small lighting manufacturers products due to their reasonable pricing and relatively good quality.

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