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  • niviwatson09

Office Furniture Plays A Lot More Important Role Than You Think

One must know there are several facets of office, which take part in making an efficient employee who offers great productivity and a work equivalent to their salary. These facets do not stop at the good salary or extra perquisites rather they extend to office ambiance as well as office furniture & fitouts. So, before caring about the employees not working properly in the office, try to look at the amenities you are offering them inside the office. Never think anything is sufficient when it comes to the employees, you have to go above the par to make them sit tight and make you happy in terms of profits.

Hence, here are some suggestions to think regarding your office ambiance as well as office furniture & fitouts to make a better decision.

  1. Comfy Chairs:Chairs are the most important factor or part of the office furniture & fitouts. If they are not comfortable then for the fact your employee will not be comfortable and will not be able to give their 100% to their work. This eventually means lack of productivity and rise in the health issues among the employees. So, while selecting the furniture of your office try to pay more attention towards the comfort of the employees instead of your pocket.

  2. Practical Workstations:The better part of the day of any employee is spent on their workstations, which lead to the need of good as well as practical workstations. There should be enough leg space so that the employees do not feel cramps after every few minutes, as it will make them stand or walk around more than they sit and work. Buy or design all the office furniture & fit outs after considering every facets of the office.

  3. Good Lighting:It is said that natural light is a great way to eliminate fatigue as well as unusual tiredness in the human body. The office space should have the sufficient number of windows along with doors and options to step out in the light. This will allow the employees to relax and get better before they burn out in the office. Nowadays, all the offices are airtight boxes, but are they doing any good is the debatable issue. Well, incorporating more number of windows and doors is not a bad deal.

  4. Somewhere to Grab a Bite:“Did you know the average human body is made up of around 60% water, and that the brain is 75% water?” Most of the people know this fact but ignore it. It will be in your favour if you do not ignore these basic facts and have a place where the employees can get sufficient drinking water to stay hydrated. Apart from this, a meal taken in a proper place along with a group helps in recharging the body accurately. So, a canteen or eatery is always a plus to keep your employees charged all the time.

  5. Paint It Red:Do not take it word for word and literally paint your walls as well as office furniture & fitouts red in colour. The phrase means do not make the office furniture dull as dead instead choose the colours, which brings life to the office and employee feel like working while sitting at their workstations. A lot of studies says that the colour combinations play a vital role in the attitude of the people. It does not matter if they are at home or office. So, offer the ambience, which motivates the employees to work hard on their own and not through any pressure. The results will be in front of you in not more than a week.

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