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Reasons to opt for Exposed Aggregate Concrete for Your Patio

Updated: Sep 15, 2023

Patios and decks are increasingly becoming a highlight in many homes. Be it a residential complexes or single homes with space, a patio is sure to be found where homeowners create a space for themselves away from responsibilities and quite often to take up the responsibility to entertain guests. In fact, a patio often increases the valuation of the home and the ones made of exposed aggregate concrete even more so.

What Is Exposed Aggregate Concrete?

In current design trends, you often hear the term exposed aggregate concrete and wonder what it can be though concrete is self-explanatory. The exposed aggregate concrete is a concrete that has its upper layer removed in order to expose the gravels and other components making up the aggregate concrete. People making these concrete often experiment with different shape and sizes of the gravel used and some even try to create an embedded design so that the final effect is stunning. This removal of the top layer enables the concrete to be molded as per the design and color requirements of people opting for this to decorate their patios.


Benefits of Opting for Exposed Aggregate Concrete

Concrete itself is known to be a material that is versatile and sturdy. Be it driveways, roads, or public squares, concrete has stood the test of time to provide a reliable ground and exposed aggregate concrete is nothing different is terms of providing durability. When constructing a patio, many aspects are taken in consideration, but the main ones are, the aesthetic values, easy construction, longevity, and cost effective. All these are offered by exposed aggregate concrete and some more.

Let’s look into each advantage offered by exposed aggregate in details:

  1. Aesthetics – when it comes to patios where you plan to entertain, aesthetics plays a vital role is setting the mood and also helping everyone relax. With exposed aggregate concrete you can choose whatever color you want and the design is sure to hold no matter how rough usage the place sees. You can also opt for pebbled design to highlight the landscaping of the area around the patio.

  2. Cost effective – concrete is budget-friendly and exposed aggregate concrete is no different. All the materials used into the making of the design is easy to acquire and the process of exposing the top is also inexpensive.

  3. Easy installation – one of biggest advantages of exposed aggregate is that you do not have to spend thousands for proper installation of the concrete patio. This also plays a vital role in lessening the overall cost of the installation.

  4. Durable – concrete is, by nature, hard and durable. This also enhances the safety of the patio made from exposed aggregate concrete thereby making you entertain a great number of people without worrying about cracks or damages to the patio.

  5. Eco-friendly – concrete itself is made of an amalgamation of other materials. For exposed aggregate concrete you can opt to recycle older slag and concrete pieces so that the layer is durable and environmentally sound. The other way round can also hold true. Once removes, this aggregate concrete can be used to build roads and other traction holding structures.

Final Words

Being around for over a century, exposed aggregate concrete has evolved into being more than just a concrete structure for driveways and flooring. Nowadays, exposed aggregate often delivers statement and centerpieces that adds beauty to the place. opting for exposed aggregate concrete material for your patio will let you breathe easy in terms of investing in something that will last for a long time thereby ensuring you do your bit towards a sustainable environment.

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