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  • niviwatson09

What To Know About Micro Cement?

Updated: May 29

Floors are always ignored by us when we think about decorating our homes, but you should know that micro-cement can prove to be a great factor if you use it in decorating your floors. Microcement is used heavily in both commercial and residential construction projects. It is a decorative material that is currently trending all around the world. It is high-performing cement mixed with polymers and acts as micro-coating and ultra-fine cement. It can be applied both externally and internally to any type of surface. It is mainly used to cover plaster, concrete, mortar, cement, metal, and other such building materials. It gives a great finish and a superb texture and is thus preferred by interior designers from all around the world.  It gives your room a unique character which other types of coatings do not provide you with. You get them in a variety of colors and varnishes.

Advantages of Micro Cement

There are a lot of advantages to micro-cement. From application to floors, walls, and ceilings, they can be used both exteriorly and interiorly. They offer you multiple choices from decorative coatings to the handcrafted application. They are highly adhesive and long-lasting. They cover every surface from stoneware, terrazzo, concrete, plasterboard, and plaster. They are highly resistant to shock, scratches, and chemicals. They are also waterproof and thus impermeable.

The way it has been applied and finished, it is no-slippery and is time-saving as well. You do not have to waste a lot of time applying micro-cement. No debris is left, and the material is thick as per your choice. It depends on how you apply it. It could be a thick, thin, or medium layer. Microcement requires no specific tool and can be very easily applied. Usually made of environment-friendly products, they are easy to maintain and clean. You could easily use water and PH-neutral soap to wash the coating of micro-cement and it is resistant to any kind of germ and bacteria formation. 

Micro Cement
Micro Cement

Micro Cement Is Fast Drying

Microcement dries out fast and therefore is widely used nowadays. Its quick-drying property makes it a favorite among interior designers who have a short period to decorate their house. It causes minimal disruption and becomes functional in just one day. Quick drying helps it to maintain a consistent controlled quality. Thus, it is a great choice for those who want to complete their project quickly within a short period. It is easy to apply and is smooth, seamless, and professional to look at. 

How Can Micro Cement Be Used?

Micro-cement can be used for both residential and commercial purposes. It gives you a contemporary finish. It is an alternative to cement as a cheap application and coating option for floors. It is a versatile product available in different textures and unique design elements.

  1. Mixing: Micro-cement can be very easily mixed with hands. But if it is in larger qualities then you may require a larger mixing vessel. The amount of water varies and usually follows 1:8 ratios. The micro-cement should be added very slowly to the water and stirred constantly.                                                     

  2. Application: You must pour the mixture onto the surface as soon as possible. This gives you better flow and consistency. After that, you could use clean tools to smooth the mixture and then you should allow it to dry.

The most important thing to remember is that the surface on which the mixture would be applied should be clean and dry. It has to be washed and cleaned to find no dirt and dust. Then the coat should be applied.

Microcement is a good product that is long-lasting and a choice most design professionals make. It has recently become the go-to choice for most renowned interior designers. Therefore, use micro-cement to complete your work quickly yet give it a unique touch.

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